Cookies Preferences


Below is information about how EletechCORP use cookies and other similar technology on this website.

By continuing to use this website you agree that we can place cookies and other similar technology on your device, including mobile devices, per your agreement with our cookie consent manager.

By continuing to use your mobile device to access this website, you agree that the following information may be collected: your unique device identifier, mobile device IP address, information about your device’s operating system, mobile carrier, and location information.

What are cookies?

Cookies are text files containing small amounts of information which are downloaded to your computer or mobile device when you visit a site and allow a site to recognize your device.

Why do we use cookies and similar technologies?

Cookies do a lot of different jobs, such as letting you navigate between pages efficiently, remembering your preferences and generally improving the user experience. They can also help to ensure that the advertisements you see online are more relevant to you and your interests.

How do I disable and enable cookies?

You can accept or decline cookies by modifying your browser settings. However, you might not be able to use all of the interactive features of the software if you disable the cookies.

How do I delete stored cookies?

You can delete cookies that have been installed in the cookie folder of your browser. Consult your browser help for assistance.


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